Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Flawed Review of Foreclosure Documents

Flawed review of Foreclosure Documents

The Government Accountability Office criticized the Office of the Comptroller for not requiring banks to use consistent methods for foreclosure error review.  Regulators ordered an independent review of foreclosure files in April 2011.  Much has been in the news of late regarding the enormous costs of hiring consultants to conduct the reviews as well as the inconsistent results achieved. The independent review was called off when the costs of the reviews skyrocketed and 13 major banks entered into a 9.3 Billion settlement. The Wall Street Journal recently published a finding that the average homeowner who suffered errors during their foreclosure would receive $1,000 or less  of the 9.3 Billion settlement with banks.

If you believe you are being improperly foreclosed upon, please call one of Carthew Law Firm, PC attorneys 248-656-6800 or visit us online at

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